Optimizing Team Effectiveness

Is the team stuck?  Or is something else getting in their way?

We assess whether a team is working well together or not. As a leader you know that your team’s performance is critical to achieve organizational success. We identify barriers to team effectiveness and work with you and your team to clarify roles and responsibilities, align around team goals and deepen relationships that build a culture of high performance.  We do discovery interviews to diagnose what may be standing in the team’s way of achieving their goals – it can be interpersonal, leadership or systemic.

Through a coaching relationship, teams will:

  • Establish and align around a shared vision for their department and their team relationships
  • Identify shared values
  • Clarify specific roles and identify interdependencies between team members
  • Develop working agreements based on value-driven team behaviors
  • Establish team goals and an operational plan to achieve them
  • Develop greater skill in working through challenges and conflicts

We identify meeting or retreat desired outcomes and then design a meeting that ensures you gain maximum value for the time spent with your team. We facilitate group work in order to ensure sessions are interactive and engaging.